Current Team roster:
BIM's Division C Team is supported by an experienced Head Coach, Assistant Coach + highly experience Student Leader + and a Faculty Advisor. Parent mentorship of his/her student remains invaluable to student's success. [And some event teams elect to work with outside tutors]
Previous Science Olympiad experience or content knowledge is very advantageous but not required (for students and mentors).
A full BIM school team is comprised of 15 members. If there is more than 15 members, there would be 2 BIM teams: Team A (more experienced) and Team B (novice). INVITATIONAL Tournaments are optional but recommended to all (approx. 3 during the season, on Saturdays). REGIONAL Tournament is highly recommended for all, and obligatory for members on Team A (most likely Sat, Mar 1). Those selected to the State Team (any 15 members) would be obligated to earnestly participate in STATE Tournament (usually first or second Saturday in April).
Under the BIM Team -- members work in smaller event team units up to 2 members. Codebusters and Experimental Design allow up to 3 members. (Solo participation in an event is allowable).
Tournaments are individual endeavors as well as school team effort. In any tournament, every event team has the opportunity to place & medal - based on their individual event performance. If the majority of our event teams do well, the overall BIM Team also receive recognition (and advance beyond the Regional level).